What is Bastille Soap? Castile vs Bastille Soap
What’s the difference between Castile Soap and Bastille Soap?
Castile soap takes its name from the region of Spain where it was first originated from olive oil taken from the area’s ample supply of olive trees. It’s been around for hundreds of years, and it’s even been commercially traded here in the United States and other major markets for at least the last seven decades.
So, what defines Castile soap?
Some think that Castile soap, to be true to its name, must be 100 percent olive oil. That contention actually defies history, as the marketplace definition Castile soap has evolved to include other all-natural soaps made from saponifying plant-based oils to achieve different attributes prized by consumers. This definition (one that includes non olive oil ingredients) has been in use for decades. Maybe the answer to this question is simply that Castile soap means different things to different people.
Bastille Soap?
The Castile soap purists—those who insist only 100 percent olive oil will do—even have a term (and we think and hope it’s tongue-in-cheek) for soaps that don’t rise to their standard: Bastille soap (short for bastardized Castile soap). While we see a small place in the market for 100 percent olive oil Castile soap, we see an even bigger place, agreeing with at least decades, if not centuries of innovation, for a Castile soap definition that allows for additional all-natural plant oils that aid in skin-friendliness (both in feel and natural healing qualities), aroma, cleaning power (for both personal hygiene and household cleaning needs), and lather.
We love olive oil soap!
A new definition from a small, dedicated group of people doesn’t revise history. Don’t get us wrong, though. We are big proponents of olive oil here at Carolina Castile Soap. In fact, out of all the major brands available to consumers today, we boast the highest olive oil content. It’s an agent that provides a powerful base that allows for minimal additions like cocoa butter, coconut oil, and many more, to create the ultimate all-natural soap for practically any household or personal application. Olive oil is what enables us to paint our soap canvas in so many different ways—without its versatility and mixability, we and others wouldn’t have a business.
100 percent olive oil Castile soap, outside of those produced by local makers, is largely a historical relic. And while it was revolutionary several centuries ago, today’s soaps, predominantly constructed with olive oil supplemented with one or more other plant-based oils, offer consumers a wide array of benefits to consumers, including promoting better health and wellness in the home while remaining quite planet-friendly.
And if you want to call us Bastille soap, that’s fine, as long as you include a smiley-faced emoji right after you say it.