Carolina Castile Soap Supports the Rainforest Alliance
At Carolina Castile Soap, it’s been our mission since day one of our operations to provide the most natural soaps on the market. A few years ago, a green cleaning entrepreneur wanted a better set of products for cleaning customers’ homes, products that would contribute to their health and wellness in every way possible, free of harmful chemicals, perfumes, and dyes.
We acknowledge that there are downsides to making all-natural soaps. While you’re helping the environment and the health of customers on one end, on the other you’re increasing demand on forests and farms, which can affect populations in many ways. In order to be more socially and environmentally responsible and sustainable, we make a monthly donation to an organization called the Rainforest Alliance.
Just what is the Rainforest Alliance trying to rectify? Over 123,000 acres of forests vanish daily, while 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their wellbeing. Thousands of wildlife species are lost each year. 134 million metric tons of greenhouse gases are emitted daily. And only 10 percent of the world’s land is owned by indigenous people.
We believe that the Rainforest Alliance is making a huge impact to counter the effects of global deforestation, through its land management strategy. As of this writing, the alliance holds nearly 104 million acres (and growing) under management, preserving the forests for future generations.
All told, the collective impact of the organization’s efforts is perhaps felt greatest on the climate front. As many know, preserving and growing our rainforests are key to fighting climate change. Furthermore, the Rainforest Alliance’s work is advancing a new concept known as climate justice. With a just climate strategy, Rainforest Alliance members and donors are contributing to the health, freedom, and self-determination of populations in areas like Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where historically North America and Europe have reaped the biggest rewards of those regions’ natural resources while depleting their health for the indigenous populations.
We are proud to support the Rainforest Alliance and its efforts to rebalance the use of our planet’s natural resources, creating a better future in the battle against climate change and for a more balanced climate justice. If you’d like to learn more about supporting this wonderful organization, visit their website at www.rainforest-alliance.org.